Formulated to give the best results


Amino acid L-arginine is required for enhancing blood flow

The key to unlock a constricted artery is a mediator called nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is generated from L-arginine and supplementation with this amino acid is known to ease dilatation of arteries, enabling them to carry more blood volume. Pycnogenol® works by accelerating the cellular machinery involved in converting L-arginine into nitric oxide.

Prelox® delivers abundant L-arginine as starting material in combination with Pycnogenol® for accelerated processing of the amino acid into nitric oxide. This synergistic principal provides the basis for the ability of previously mal-responsive arteries to then deliver blood volume sufficient for a healthier erection.


Composition of best ingredients

A first clinical investigation of 40 men with compromised erections showed that taking L-arginine alone for one month did have an effect, though only in five percent of the men. The following month all men took Pycnogenol® in addition to L-arginine (Prelox® blend) and now 80% of the men experienced restored erectile function.

In a clinical study carried out by Steven Lamm M.D. in New York, 81% of men supplemented with Prelox® for 6 weeks showed an improved erectile function. 78% of the men judged Prelox® to be effective.

Helps improve pleasure
and stamina

A study in which all participants are unknowingly at one time receiving active treatment and at another time an inactive placebo and then cross-over following a discontinuation period, is regarded the gold standard in clinical research. Fifty men presenting moderate erectile problems related to unhealthy life-styles (overweight, mild hypertension) were investigated with Prelox® or placebo in such cross-over fashion. Men were assigned to either group A or B. During the first month group B got Prelox®, while A received look-alike dummy tablets. Then both groups discontinued tablets for one month (washout period) and then switched to the opposite regimen [Stanislavov et al., 2008].

While a group of men was taking Prelox® for a month the erectile quality significantly increased, and when they discontinued the regimen for a month this effect largely faded. The study demonstrated increased stamina and sexual pleasure in men in response to Prelox®. Men reported to lead researcher Romil Stanislavov MD that it was easier for them to initiate and sustain an erection.


Accrued benefits in the long run

A study spanning an investigational period over half a year was carried out with 110 men with moderately impaired erectile function.

This study demonstrates that no habituation effects occur with Prelox® and the benefits do not fade, but rather further improve during long-term supplementation for six months.

After this period, erectile function was even better than it already was after three months. This study identified improved sexual desire in response to Prelox® as well as greater sexual and orgasmic satisfaction.

Lifestyle is a key determent for wellness

Sexual performance is a barometer of a man’s health. Nutrition, sleep, exercise and stress management are the choices that determine wellness or illness for a majority of men. Our human body is a complex machine. Blood flow is one of its most important functions.

It helps bring oxygen and nutrients to muscles and organs. A healthy blood circulation is key to erectile function and erectile quality. Various factors influence our cardiovascular system and overall health. A healthy diet and physical exercise contribute to maintain a good sexual health.

Proper nutrition


Working out


Quality sleep


